
Wordpress 是最流行的CMS和博客平台之一,主要是因为它是免费的而且100%可定制的。今天,我将展示20个最好的Wordpress 指南博客,它们已经书写很多精彩的和很具洞察力的文章,同时可以帮助我优化博客的SEO、 寻找最好的Wordpress主题,或者创建我自己主题,里面有太多的高质量的资源不能一一列出,好好欣赏吧!

1. WpRecipes.com


Wprecipes.com has a huge collection of wordpress tips and is updated frequently. It gives a lot of advice to help you customize and hack your existing theme to its full potential.


wordpress tutorials ThemeShaper

Themeshaper.com is a great resource for everything about Wordpress Themes. They have a great collection of themes to download, and offer great advice on crating your own Wordpress theme.


Wordpress tutorials Nettuts

With the Tutsplus Network, they have a section dedicated to Wordpress Tutorials. As always, Envato and the Tutplus.com network always offer innovative and unique tutorials that will make it easy to make your Wordpress blog that much better.


wordpress tuts Theme Playground

Themeplayground also offers a great collection of articles that help you design your own Wordpress themes, and also offer some wordpress themes.


wordpress themes Pro Blog Design

Problogdesign is your destination for the best tips on writing the best articles for your blog, and optimizing your blog with SEO implementations. They have a whole category dedicated to Wordpress articles.


wordpress Online Tips for Tech Users

Hongkiat offers a lot of Wordpress tutorial articles, and showcases many amazing wordpress themes to download.


WordPress tutorials Lorelle on WordPress

Lorelle.wordpress.com has an archives of thousands of insightful blogging tips on Wordpress. Although not updated frequently, this is still great source of information on Wordpress tutorials.


wp tutorials

Wp-tutorials.org, as implied by the name is an rss aggregator on the latest wordpress tutorials and tips from various blogs.


WordPress tutorials themelab

Themelab is a great wordpress design blog, that offers its premium wordpress themes, and also has a tutorial section that will definitely be informational and helpful to readers.


wordpress tuts How ToWordPress.tv

This is Wordpress’ official site, which offers wordpress tutorials in a video format, for those who like viewing than reading info.


WPDesigner.com wordpress

Wpdesigner.com is a great resource for those who want to design their own Wordpress theme. Here is an example of one of their most helpful posts for me when I wanted to experience designing my own Wordpress theme.


wordpress iThemes

iThemes.com offers a variety of interesting wordpress themes you might find of interest. They have a Tutorial Section I was really interested in here.


WordPress tutorials webdesignwall

Webdesignwall.com is primarily a blog about webdesign, but they also have a useful area about Wordpress.


Wordpress tutorials Speckyboy Design Magazine

Speckyboy is a design magazine that has a section dedicated to Wordpress also. Some of the tutorials are very useful in finding a great wordpress theme.


wordpress tutorials digwp

Digwp is an active blog dedicated to wordpress, and created by Chris Coyier and Jeff Starr really give some great tips on customizing your blog.


Wordpress tutorials BloggingPro

Bloggingpro is your site to find useful articles on blogging effectively, with tips to help communicate your message more effectively.


Wordpress tutorials instantshift8

Instanshift is another huge and active blog that has a section with great articles on Wordpress.


wordpress Smashing Magazine

SmashingMagazine is one of my favorite place to find quality themes , and also checking out their Smashing Netowrk on the latest Wordpress articles they have to offer.


wordpress Noupe

Noupe shows us unique ways to take full advantage of the robust Wordpress platform, with articles showing us how to fully utilize Wordpress more as a CMS then a blogging platform.


WordPress Tutorials WP Engineer

WpEngineer is a developer’s resource with Wordpress Tutorials that help Theme Develops and coders to implement more features into their themes. This is a whole blog dedicated to Wordpress, not just a section, so you can be sure to find articles that will help you on everything for adding a metabox, to optimizing your coding.
